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The Port of Missing Men by Meredith Nicholson
page 62 of 323 (19%)
Stroebel and this fellow between them--"

"Stroebel is dead. The Archduke is dead; there can be no manner of doubt
of that," said Durand; but doubt was in his tone and in his eyes.

"Nothing is certain; it would be like Karl to turn up again with a son to
back his claims. They may both be living. This Armitage is not the
ordinary pig of a secret agent. We must find him."

"And quickly. There must be--"

"--another death added to our little list before we are quite masters of
the situation in Vienna."

They gave Zmai orders to remain on guard at the house and went hurriedly
out together.



Her blue eyes sought the west afar,
For lovers love the western star.

--_Lay of the Last Minstrel_.

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