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The Port of Missing Men by Meredith Nicholson
page 65 of 323 (20%)
"Yes, dearest," mocked Shirley. "Oh, my large brother, I have a
confession to make. Please don't indulge in great oaths or stamp a hole
in this sturdy deck, but there are flowers in my state-room--"

"Probably from the Liverpool consul--he's been pestering father to help
him get a transfer to a less gloomy hole."

"Then I shall intercede myself with the President when I get home.
They're orchids--from London--but--with Mr. Armitage's card. Wouldn't
that excite you?"

"It makes me sick!" and Dick hung heavily on the rail and glared at a
passing tug.

"They are beautiful orchids. I don't remember when orchids have happened
to me before, Richard--in such quantities. Now, you really didn't
disapprove of him so much, did you? This is probably good-by forever, but
he wasn't so bad; and he may be an American, after all."

"A common adventurer! Such fellows are always turning up, like bad
pennies, or a one-eyed dog. If I should see him again--"

"Yes, Richard, if you should meet again--"

"I'd ask him to be good enough to stop following us about, and if he
persisted I should muss him up."

"Yes; I'm sure you would protect me from his importunities at any
hazard," mocked Shirley, turning and leaning against the rail so that she
looked along the deck beyond her brother's stalwart shoulders.
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