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Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884 by Various
page 2 of 141 (01%)
Substance in Starch Sugar.

The Combining Weights, Volumes, and Specific Gravities of
Elements and Compounds.

Analysis of Zinc Ash and Calcined Pyrites by Means of
Ammonium Carbonate.

II. ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS.--Petroleum as a Fuel in
Locomotive Engines.--By THOMAS URQUHART.--Spray
injector.--Driving locomotives.--Storage of petroleum.

Improved Gas Light Buoy.--2 figures.

Project for a Roadstead at Havre.--With map and views of
different breakwaters.

Improved Catch Basin.--2 figures.

Water Power with High Pressures and Wrought Iron Water
Pipe.--By HAMILTON SMITH, JR.--Methods of conducting water
and transmitting power.--Texas Creek pipe and aqueduct.--4

Parachute Hydraulic Motor.

Improved Shafting Lathe.--1 figure.

Power Straightening Machine.--1 figure.
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