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The Doré Lectures - being Sunday addresses at the Doré Gallery, London, given in connection with the Higher Thought Centre by Thomas Troward
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Now this application must be a personal one, for it is only
through the individual that the higher specialization of the
power can take place, but at the same time this must not lead us
to suppose that the individual, himself, brings the creative
force into being. To suppose this is inversion; and we cannot
impress upon ourselves too deeply that the relation of the
individual to the Divine Spirit is that of a distributor, and not
that of the original creator. If this is steadily borne in mind
the way will become clear, otherwise we shall be led into

What, then, is the Power which we are to distribute? It is the
Originating Spirit itself. We are sure that it is this because
the new order of thought always begins at the beginning of any
series which it contemplates bringing into manifestation, and it
is based upon the fact that the origin of everything is Spirit.
It is in this that its creative power resides; hence the person
who is in the true new order of thought assumes as an axiomatic
fact that what he has to distribute, or differentiate into
manifestation is nothing else than the Originating Spirit. This
being the case, it is evident that the PURPOSE of the
distribution must be the more perfect expression of the
Originating Spirit as that which it is in itself, and what it is
in itself is emphatically Life. What is seeking for expression,
then, is the perfect Livingness of the Spirit; and this
expression is to be found, through ourselves, by means of our
renewed mode of thought. Let us see, then, how our new order of
thought, with regard to the Principle of Life, is likely to
operate In our old order of thought we have always associated
Life with the physical body--life has been for us the supreme
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