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In the Wrong Paradise by Andrew Lang
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In the Wrong Paradise and Other Stories
by Andrew Lang


The End of Phaeacia
In the Wrong Paradise
A Cheap Nigger
The Romance of the First Radical
A Duchess's Secret
The House of Strange Stories
In Castle Perilous
The Great Gladstone Myth
My Friend the Beach-Comber



I have asked you to let me put your name here, that I might have the
opportunity of saying how much pleasure I owe to your romances. They
make one a boy again while one is reading them; and the student of "The
Witch's Head" and of "King Solomon's Mines" is as young, in heart, as
when he hunted long ago with Chingachgook and Uncas. You, who know the
noble barbarian in his African retreats, appear to retain more than most
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