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The Discovery of Witches by Matthew Hopkins
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Certaine _Queries_ answered, which have been and are likely to
be objected against MATTHEW HOPKINS, in his way of finding out

Querie 1.

_That he must needs be the greatest Witch, Sorcerer, and Wizzard
himselfe, else hee could not doe it._


If _Satan's_ kingdome be divided against it selfe, how shall it stand?

Querie 2.

_If he never went so farre as is before mentioned, yet for
certaine he met with the Devill, and cheated him of his Booke,
wherein were written all the Witches names in_ England, _and if
he looks on any Witch, he can tell by her countenance what she
is; so by this, his helpe is from the Devill._
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