The Life of Hugo Grotius - With Brief Minutes of the Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of the Netherlands by Charles Butler
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page 3 of 241 (01%)
The article _Grotius_, in _Bayle's and Chalmers's Dictionaries_; And many of the letters in _Hugonis Grotii Epistolæ_, published at Amsterdam in 1687, in one volume, folio; and many in the _Præstantium et Eruditorum Virorum Epistolæ Ecclesiasticæ_, published at Amsterdam in 1684, in one volume, 4to. For what we have said on GERMANY AND THE NETHERLANDS, we principally consulted, _Schmidt's Histoire des Allemands_; _Pfeffell's Histoire Abregé de l'Allemagne_, 2 vols. 8vo.; _Mr. Durnford's excellent Translation, of Professor Pütter's Historical Developement, of the Political History of the German Empire_; 3 vols. 8vo.; And _Hugonis Grotii Annales, et Historiæ de Rebus Belgicis_, one vol. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1658. In our account of the troubles on _Arminianism_, and the Synod of Dort; we principally consulted, the French Abridgment, in 3 vols. 8vo. of _Brand's History of the Netherlands_, and _Grotius's_ excellent _Apology_: In every part of the work, we have consulted other publications;--three only of these we shall mention; |