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Food Guide for War Service at Home - Prepared under the direction of the United States Food Administration in co-operation with the United States Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of Education, with a preface by Herbert Hoover by Florence Powdermaker;Katharine Blunt;Frances L. Swain
page 43 of 79 (54%)
flavor and texture to which we are accustomed. The food, no matter how
nutritious it may be, will not taste good.

Fats are very concentrated food, a fact which gives them added value
in war-time, making them the most economical food to ship. A POUND OF
for the slogan "Fats Are Fuel for Fighters." Soldiers engaged in the
most strenuous physical activities need fuel for all the energy they
expend. Bacon, butter, all the forms of fat give them the most energy
in the smallest weight of food.

Fats stave off the feeling of hunger longer than other foods because
they pass more slowly from the stomach and delay the passage of foods
eaten with them. A slice of bread and butter will "satisfy" one for a
much longer time than a slice of bread and jelly, even though there is
enough jelly to give exactly the same amount of fuel. In the countries
in which there is a fat shortage, the appetite does not stay satisfied
during the usual period between meals, even when the previous meal
contained the customary amount of calories. The feeling of hunger is
sometimes almost constant.

Certain fats are valuable for an entirely different reason. Milk fat,
either in the milk or as butter, beef fat which is a constituent of
oleomargarine, the fat in the yolk of egg, all contain one of the
vitamines needed by children in order to grow properly, and by grown
people to keep in good health. Lard and the vegetable fats and oils,
like nut or vegetable margarine and cottonseed-oil, do not contain
this substance, but if there is sufficient milk in the diet, there
will be plenty of this "fat-soluble vitamine." In all other respects
the fats are alike from a nutritional standpoint. One fat can replace
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