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The History of the Remarkable Life of John Sheppard - Containing a Particular Account of His Many Robberies and Escapes by Daniel Defoe
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Containing a Particular Account of His Many Robberies and Escapes,


His robbing the Shop of Mr. _Bains_ in White-Horse-Yard of 24
Yards of Fustian. Of his breaking and entering the House of
the said Mr. _Bains_, and stealing in Goods and Money to the
Value of 20 l. Of his robbing the House of Mr. _Charles_ in
_May Fair_ of Money, Rings, Plate, &c to the Value of 30 l. Of
his robbing the House of Mrs. _Cook_ in _Clare-Market,_ along
with his pretended Wife, and his Brother, to the Value of
between 50 and 60 l. Of his breaking the Shop of Mr. _Philips_
in _Drury-Lane,_ with the same Persons, and stealing Goods of
small Value. Of his entering the House of Mr. _Carter_, a
Mathematical Instrument Maker in _Wytch Street_, along with
_Anthony Lamb_ and _Charles Grace_, and robbing of Mr.
_Barton_, a Master Taylor who lodged therein, of Goods and
Bonds to the Value of near 300 l. Of his breaking and entering
the House of Mr. _Kneebone_, a Woollen-Draper, near the _New
Church_ in the _Strand_, in Company of _Joseph Blake_ alias
_Blewskin_ and _William Field_, and stealing Goods to the
Value of near 50 l. Of his robbing of Mr. _Pargiter_ on the
Highway near the Turnpike, on the Road _Hampstead_, along with
the said _Blewskin_. Of his robbing a Lady's Woman in her
Mistress's Coach on the same Road. Of his robbing also a Stage
Coach, with the said _Blewskin_, on the _Hampstead_ Road.
Likewise of his breaking the Shop of Mr. _Martin_ in
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