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Primitive Christian Worship - Or, The Evidence of Holy Scripture and the Church, Against the Invocation of Saints and Angels, and the Blessed Virgin Mary by James Endell Tyler
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Nov. 25, 1840.

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Members of the Church of Rome, and members of the Church of England,
have too long entertained towards each other feelings of hostility.
Instead of being drawn together as brethren by the cords of that one
faith which all Catholics hold dear, their sentiments of sympathy and
affection have been absorbed by the abhorrence with which each body has
regarded the characteristic tenets of its adversary; whilst the terms
"heretic" on the one side, and "idolater" on the opposite, have rendered
any attempt to bring about a free and friendly discussion of each
other's views almost hopeless.

Every Christian must wish that such animosities, always ill-becoming the
servants and children of the God of love, should cease for ever. Truth
indeed must never be sacrificed to secure peace; nor must we be tempted
by the seductiveness of a liberality, falsely so called, to soften down
and make light of those differences which keep the Churches of England
and Rome asunder. But surely the points at issue may be examined without
exasperation and rancour; and the results of inquiries carried on with a
singleness of mind, in search only for the truth, may be offered on the
one side without insult or offence, and should be received and examined
without contempt and scorn on the other.

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