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Masterman Ready by Frederick Marryat
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most safe. We can only do our best, and after that we must submit to
the will of Heaven."

"What little birds are those flying about so close to the water?"

"Those are Mother Carey's chickens. You seldom see them except in a
storm, or when a storm is coming on."

The birds which William referred to were the stormy petrels.

"Were you ever shipwrecked on a desolate island like Robinson Crusoe?"

"Yes, Master William, I have been shipwrecked; but I never heard of
Robinson Crusoe. So many have been wrecked and undergone great
hardships, and so many more have never lived to tell what they have
suffered, that it's not very likely that I should have known that one
man you speak of, out of so many."

"Oh! but it's all in a book which I have read. I could tell you all
about it--and so I will when the ship is quiet again; but now I wish
you would help me down below, for I promised mamma not to stay up

"Then always keep your promise like a good lad," replied the old man;
"now give me your hand, and I'll answer for it that we will fetch the
hatchway without a tumble; and when the weather is fine again, I'll
tell you how I was wrecked, and you shall tell me all about Robinson

Having seen William safe to the cabin door, the old seaman returned to
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