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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 2, 1891 by Various
page 15 of 44 (34%)
_Lövborg_. Did you, indeed? Do you remember that delicious moment when
you threatened to shoot me down--(_tenderly_)--I do!

_Hedda_ (_carelessly_). Did I? I have done that to so many people. But
now all that is past, and you have found the loveliest consolation
in dear, good, little Mrs. ELVSTED--ah, here she is! (_Enter_ Mrs.
ELVSTED.) Now, THEA, sit down and drink up a good glass of cold punch.
Mr. LÖVBORG is going to have some. If you don't, Mr. LÖVBORG, GEORGE
and the Judge will think you are afraid of taking too much if you once

_Mrs. E._ Oh, please, HEDDA! When I've inspired Mr. LÖVBORG so--good
gracious! _don't_ make him drink cold punch!

_Hedda_. You see, Mr. LÖVBORG, our dear little friend can't _trust_

_Lövborg_. So _that_ is my comrade's faith in me! (_Gloomily._) _I_'ll
show her if I am to be trusted or not. (_He drinks a glass of punch_.)
Now I'll go to the Judge's party. I'll have another glass first.
Your health, THEA! So you came up to spy on me, eh? I'll drink the
Sheriff's health--_everybody's_ health!

[_He tries to get more punch._

_Hedda_ (_stopping him_). No more now. You are going to a party,
remember. [GEORGE _and_ TESMAN _come in from back-room._

_Lövborg._ Don't be angry, THEA. I was fallen for a moment. Now I'm up
again! (Mrs. E. _beams with delight_). Judge, I'll come to your party,
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