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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 2, 1891 by Various
page 31 of 44 (70%)

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Well, I've said it afore, and now I says it agane, as I don't bleeve
as sich another both bewtifool and elligant site is to be seen in all
the world, as is to be seen at these anniwersary yearly festivals in
our nobel Egipshun All at the honoured Manshun House.

Of course I don't no what sort of intertainement was held there when
the aincient Egipshuns had it, or weather they ewer was there at
all--for I ain't much of a hantiquery; but, from what I've seen of
some on 'em at the British Mewseum, I should think as there werry
peculyar style of dress was not much sooted to such occashuns.


I thinks, upon the hole, as the children's dresses on this speshal
ocashun "beat the record," as the runners and jumpers says, both for
illigance and wariety, and, shoud I atemt to describe 'em, where on
airth shoud I begin! But, as I must begin sumwheres, I hopes as I
shan't awake the biling jealousy of all the other mothers present
when I says as I gives the Parm Tree to the two rayther youthfool Beef
Eaters. As for the number of Angels and Fairys, with most lovly wings,
they was so numerus, and so bewtifool, that ewen I, a pore Hed Waiter,
coudn't help the thort, that they was a giving me my first glimpse
of Pairodice. Then again I noticed as the grashus and hansum LADY
MARESS--who I should ha liked to ha seen putting herself at the hed of
them all, and leading em all round the bewtifool All--had most kindly
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