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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 2, 1891 by Various
page 42 of 44 (95%)
for Revenue in coming year. Nobody ever heard before of the General;
thought, at least, he must belong to the Army Estimates. But JOKIM
would have him in, spurs and epaulettes, and all.

"General STAMPS," he said, regardless of grammar, "have fallen off."
JOKIM, in his loose way, omitted to say off what; presumed to be
his horse. House not sorry to hear it; had enough of the mysterious
warrior. But he was up again a few minutes' later. "General STAMPS,"
JOKIM continued, in his airy fashion, "apart from the Death Duties, I
reduce from £6,700,000 to £5,900,000."

"Better reduce him to the ranks at once," said Admiral FIELD, who is a
terrible martinet.

But JOKIM took no notice of the suggestion; floundered along, bungling
terribly. Committee tried to help him out; that didn't help matters
much. To have a Member in one part of the House filling up an awkward
pause by suggesting "dried fruit," another "coffee," a third "rum,"
and a fourth "probate duty," when after all, JOKIM was thinking of
the Income Tax or General STAMPS, evidently not designed to advance

"The Committee knows what I mean," JOKIM said, piteously, looking
round out of a morass a little deeper than he'd been in lately. But
that is exactly what the Committee didn't do.

"Then," said JOKIM, "you'll understand the figures when you read them
in the papers to-morrow." Something in that; House mollified; still
can't help thinking that if it is to wait till next morning to read
report of Chancellor's Budget Speech in order to understand his
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