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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 2, 1891 by Various
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_Tuesday_.--Bugle sounded too early for Assembly. Sent a message to
the Adjutant by his orderly (with my compliments) saying that I would
feel much obliged if the Parade were postponed an hour. Adjutant
returned _his_ compliments, with a request that I would give in
writing my reason for desiring a delay. Explained (by word of mouth)
that I wanted to read the newspapers. Parade consequently postponed as
requested. Obliging chap the Adjutant!

_Wednesday_.--Warned for Guard. Sent for the Major of my
half-battalion (don't like bothering the Commanding-officer about
every trifle), and explained that, although the Surgeon had seen me,
and reported me fit, I had a presentiment that the easterly winds
would play the very mischief with me if I went "Sentry Go." Major
thought, perhaps it would be better if I were struck off duty. Excused
Guard in consequence. Good sort Major of my half-battalion!

_Thursday_.--Sorry to find rations very unsatisfactory. Complained
to the Officer of the day, who reported the matter to the Captain.
Captain said he would have asked the entire company to dine with him
at his Club had he not been engaged. He then passed us on to his
Subs. The latter most obligingly gave us some food at a Restaurant.
_Châteaubriand_ excellent, _Sole à la Normande_ decent, but _Potage à
la bisque_ too rich. Mistake to order the latter, as one can never get
it _really_ good, except on the Continent. Wine tol-lol. Pol Royer of
'84. However, spent a very pleasant evening. Both Subs, when you know
them, not half bad fellows!

_Friday_.--Rather a head, and felt generally out of sorts. Warned for
Kit-inspection. Couldn't stand this, so called upon General Commanding
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