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Dew Drops, Vol. 37, No. 08, February 22, 1914 by Various
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them how much help was needed in this world, and how much there was for
all to do. Sunday-school teachers feel this so much, that no wonder they
talk to their classes about it.

"Well," said Miss Lee, as if she were thinking very deeply, indeed,
"perhaps there is really nothing that you can do to help others. Doing,
seems to be a hard word with you little maids. Suppose we drop that word
and take another. A very great man once said that when we could do
nothing, we could still be something, for the sake of other people. I
would like to have you all see what you can be. That comes first,
anyhow. You have to be alive before you can talk, and walk, and think,
and act. You have to be willing before you can do anything, you know,
and so we will see what we can do with ourselves, before we try to do
much for others. Shall we?"

"Yes, but I don't understand just what you mean," said Lucie Ray.

"Then listen," said Miss Lee. "When anyone does anything for you,
suppose you try to be truly thankful. When anyone teases you, see if you
can be patient. If others are cross, see how kind you can be. When
others are sour, you must be sweet. I really think you will have enough
to do."

"We'll try," said Grace.

"That is right. Try, and keep on trying. There's one thing more: If you
are thankful, say so. If you are sorry for anyone, say so, and if you
feel kindly, speak kindly. These things ought to come out. But as you
try to be patient and sweet, don't go about telling it. Let other people
find it out. They will, easily enough."
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