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Wanted—A Match Maker by Paul Leicester Ford
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Wanted: A Match-Maker

"You understand, Josie, that I wouldn't for a moment wish Constance to
marry without being in love, but--"

Mrs. Durant hesitated long enough to convey the inference that she was
unfeminine enough to place a value on her own words, and then, the pause
having led to a change, or, at least, modification of what had almost
found utterance, she continued, with a touch of petulance which suggested
that the general principle had in the mind of the speaker a special
application, "It is certainly a great pity that the modern girl should be
so unimpressionable!"

"I understand and sympathise with you perfectly, dear," consolingly
acceded Mrs. Ferguson. "And Constance has such advantages!"

Quite unnoting that her friend replied to her thought rather than to her
words, Mrs. Durant responded at once eagerly, yet defensively: "That is
it. No one will deny that Muriel is quite Constance's equal in mind, and,
though perhaps I am not the one to say it, Doris surely excels her in
looks. Don't you think so, darling?" she added.

"Unquestionably," agreed the friend, with much the quality of firm
promptness with which one would bolt a nauseous pill, or extrude an ailing

"Yet merely because Constance has been out so much longer, and therefore
is much more experienced, she self--she monopolises the attentions of the
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