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Reviews by Oscar Wilde
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The apparently endless difficulties against which I have contended, and
am contending, in the management of Oscar Wilde's literary and dramatic
property have brought me many valued friends; but only one friendship
which seemed as endless; one friend's kindness which seemed to annul the
disappointments of eight years. That is why I venture to place your name
on this volume with the assurance of the author himself who bequeathed to
me his works and something of his indiscretion.


May 12th, 1908.


The editor of writings by any author not long deceased is censured sooner
or later for his errors of omission or commission. I have decided to err
on the side of commission and to include in the uniform edition of
Wilde's works everything that could be identified as genuine. Wilde's
literary reputation has survived so much that I think it proof against
any exhumation of articles which he or his admirers would have preferred
to forget. As a matter of fact, I believe this volume will prove of
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