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A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews and Honest Wives by Desiderius Erasmus
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aquented with a certayne gentelman well lerned and a
veri honest man, he maried a yonge wyfe, a mayden of.
xvii. yeare olde brede and brought vp of a chylde in
the countre vnder her fathers and mother wing (as
gentilmen delite to dwel in the countre) to hunt &
hawke This yong gentilman would haue one that were
unbroken, because he might the soner breake her after
hys owne mind, he began to entre her in learning
syngynge, and playinge, and by lytle and lytle to vse
here to repete suche thynges as she harde at sermons,
and to instruct her with other things that myght haue
doone her more good in time to come. This gere, because
it was straunge vnto this young woman which at home
was brought vp in all ydelnesse, and with the light
communication of her fathers seruantes, and other
pastimes, began to waxe greuouse & paynfull, vnto
her. She withdrew her good mynde and dylygence and
when her husband called vpon her she put ye finger
in the eye, and wepte and many times she would fal
downe on the grounde, beatynge her head agaynst the
floure, as one that woulde be out of thys worlde. When
there was no healpe for this gere, the good man as
though he hadde bene wel asked his wyfe yf she woulde
ryde into the countre with him a sporting vnto her
fathers house, so that she graunted anone. When they
were commen thyther, the gentilman left his wyfe
with her mother & her sisters he went furth an
huntynge with his father in lawe, there betwene theym
two, he shewed al together, how that he hadde hoped to
haue had a louynge companion to lead his lyfe withall,
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