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A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews and Honest Wives by Desiderius Erasmus
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chere, and lassheth out the dowrye that hee hadde with
mee no small pot of wine. Eulaly, where vpon? xantipha,
wheron hym lykethe beste, at the tauerne, at the stewes
and at the dyce. Eulalia Peace saye not so. xan. wel
yet thus it is, then when he commeth home to me at
midnight, longe watched for, he lyeth rowtyng lyke a
sloyne all the leue longe nyght, yea and now and then
he all bespeweth his bed, and worse then I will say at
this tyme. Eulali. Peace thou dyshonesteth thy self,
when thou doest dishonesteth thy husband. xantip. The
deuyl take me bodye and bones but I had leuer lye by a
sow with pigges, then with suche a bedfelowe. Eulali.
Doest thou not then take him vp, wel favoredly for
stumbling. Xantip. As he deserueth I spare no tonge.
Eulalia. what doth he then. xantip. At the first
breake he toke me vp vengeably, trusting that he
shoulde haue shaken me of and put me to scilence with
his crabid wordes. Eula Came neuer your hote wordes
vnto handstrokes. xantip. On a tyme we fel so farre
at wordes that we wer almost by ye eares togither.
Eula what say you woman? xan. He toke vp a staffe
wandryng at me, as the deuill had bene on hym ready to
laye me on the bones. Eula. were thou not redye to ron
in at the bench hole. xanti. Nay mary I warrant the.
I gat me a thre foted stole in hand, & he had but ones
layd his littell finger on me, he shulde not haue
founde me lame. I woulde haue holden his nose to the
grindstone Eulalia. A newe found shelde, ye wanted
but youre dystaffe to haue made you a speare. xantip.
And he shoulde not greatlye a laughed at his parte.
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