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Principles of Home Decoration - With Practical Examples by Candace Wheeler
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CHAPTER I. Decoration as an Art.
Decoration in American Homes.
Woman's Influence in Decoration.

CHAPTER II. Character in Homes.

CHAPTER III. Builders' Houses.

CHAPTER IV. Colour in Houses.
Colour as a Science.
Colour as an Influence.

CHAPTER V. The Law of Appropriateness.
Cleanliness and Harmony Tastefully Combined.
Bedroom Furnished in Accordance with
Individual Tastes.

CHAPTER VI. Kitchens.
Treatment of Walls from a Hygienic Point of View.

CHAPTER VII. Colour with Reference to Light.
Examples of the Effects of Light on Colour.
Gradation of Colour.

Walls, Ceilings and Floors.
Treatment and Decoration of Walls.
Use of Tapestry. Leather and Wall-Papers.
Panels of Wood, Painted Walls. Textiles.
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