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Roman de Brut. English;Brut by Layamon
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Irish. The while that the day was light lasted ever this slaughter.

When it came to the eventime, then called the Earl Constantin, and
bade that guides should ride to the waters, and active men toward the
sea, for to guard them. A man should have seen the game, how the women
forth marched over woods and over fields, over hills and over dales.
Wheresoever they found any man escaped, that was with Melga the
heathen king, the women loud laughed, and tore him all in pieces, and
prayed for the soul, that never should good be to it. Thus the British
women killed many thousands, and thus they freed this kingdom of Wanis
and of Melga.

And Constantin the brave marched to Silchester, and held there his
husting of all his British thanes, all the Britons came to the
meeting, and took Constantin the noble, and made him king of Britain--
much was then the mirth that was among men. And afterwards they gave
him a wife, one wondrous fair, born of the highest, of Britain the
best of all. By this noble wife Constantin had in this land three
little sons. The first son had well nigh his father's name; Constantin
hight the king, Constance hight the child. When this child was waxed,
that it could ride, then his father caused him to be made a monk,
through counsel of wicked men, and the child was a monk in Winchester.
After him was born another, who was the middle brother, he was named
Aurelius, his surname hight Ambrosius. Then was last of all born a
child that was well disposed, he was named Uther, his virtues were
strong; he was the youngest brother, but he lived longer than the

Guencelm the archbishop, who toward God was full good, took charge of
the two children, for love of the king. But alas! that their father
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