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The Portland Peerage Romance by Charles J. Archard
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after, in 1689, he was created Earl of Portland, and his other titles in
the peerage were Baron Cirencester and Viscount Woodstock; he was also a
Knight of the Garter and Privy Councillor. In 1689 he accompanied the
King to Ireland and commanded a regiment of Horse Guards, taking part as
a Lieutenant-General, in the battle of the Boyne, where his Dutch
cavalry did effective service.

He was again at the battle of Namur when William's forces were engaged
in fighting the French for the liberties of Europe.

That was in 1695, and in the same year the King once more gave evidence
of the affection he bore for his favourite. "He had set his heart,"
said Macaulay, "on placing the House of Bentinck on a level in wealth
and dignity with the Houses of Howard and Seymour, of Russell and
Cavendish. Some of the fairest hereditary domains of the Crown had been
granted to Portland, not without murmuring on the part both of Whigs and

It was perfectly natural that William should wish to requite his
henchman with rich estates, and in doing so he was acting as other
monarchs had done before him, and not upon such good grounds as the
services rendered to the State by Bentinck.

Jealousy was, however, aroused among the English nobility at the
favouritism shown the Dutch newcomer, and it found strong expression
when the King ordered the Lords of the Treasury to issue a warrant
endowing Portland with an estate in Denbighshire worth 100,000l., the
annual rent reserved to the Crown being only 6s. 8d. There were also
royalties connected with this estate which Welshmen were opposed to
alienating from the Crown and placing in the hands of a private subject.
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