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Patriarchal Palestine by Archibald Henry Sayce
page 77 of 245 (31%)
the Jordan was made into a province, and governed much as India is
to-day. Some of the cities were allowed still to retain their old line
of princes, who were called upon to furnish tribute to the Egyptian
treasury and recruits to the Egyptian army. From time to time they were
visited by an Egyptian "Commissioner," and an Egyptian garrison kept
watch upon their conduct. Sometimes an Egyptian Resident was appointed
by the side of the native king; this was the case, for example, at Sidon
and Hazor. Where, however, the city was of strategical or political
importance it was incorporated into the Egyptian empire, and placed
under the immediate control of an Egyptian governor, as at Megiddo,
Gaza, Gebal, Gezer, and Tyre. Similarly Ziri-Basana, "the field of
Bashan," was under the government of a single _khazan_ or "prefect." The
troops, who also acted as police, were divided into various classes.
There were the _tsabi yidati_ or "auxiliaries," the _tsabi saruti_ or
"militia," the _Khabbati_ or "Beduin plunderers," and the _tsabi
matsarti_ or "Egyptian soldiers of the garrison," as well as the _tsabi
bitati_ or "house-guards," who were summoned in cases of emergency.
Among the auxiliaries were included the Serdani or Sardinians, while the
Sute--the Sati or Sitti of the hieroglyphic texts--formed the larger
portion of the Beduin ("Bashi-bazouks"), and the Egyptian forces were
divided into the cavalry or rather charioteers, and the Misi (called
Mas'u in the hieroglyphics) or infantry.

Fragments of the annals of Thothmes III. have been preserved on the
shattered walls of his temple at Karnak. Here too we may read the lists
of places he conquered in Palestine--the land of the Upper Lotan as it
is termed--as well as in Northern Syria. Like the annals, the
geographical lists have been compiled from memoranda made on the spot by
the scribes who followed the army, and in some instances, at all events,
it can be shown that they have been translated into Egyptian hieroglyphs
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