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Stories of the Border Marches by John Lang;Jean Lang
page 64 of 284 (22%)
English monarch, he had to give in, and Buccleuch and Ker had both, at
different periods, to suffer imprisonment for the sin, in the virgin
Queen's eyes, of the rescue of Kinmont Willie, and of its bloody
consequences. We realise what was the reputation of Buccleuch and of his
followers when we see into what a state of panic the mere prospect of
having the Border chieftain as prisoner at Berwick-on-Tweed threw Sir
John Carey, the governor. To Lord Hunsdon he wrote: "I entreat your
Lordship that I may not become the jailor of so dangerous a prisoner or,
at least, that I may know whether I shall keep him like a prisoner or
no? for there is not a worse or more dangerous place in England to keep
him than this; it is so near his friends, and, besides, so many in this
town willing to pleasure him, and his escape may be so easily made; and
once out of this town he is past recovery. Wherefore I humbly beseech
your honor, let him be removed from hence to a more secure place, for I
protest to the Almightie God, before I will take the charge to kepe him
here, I will desire to be put in prison myself, and to have a keeper of
me. For what care soever be had of him here, he shall want no
furtherance whatsoever wit of man can devise, if he himself list to make
an escape. So I pray your Lordship, even for God's sake and for the love
of a brother, to relieve me from this danger." But there was no attempt
at a rescue of Buccleuch. He did not desire it. Not as a criminal, but
as a state prisoner he gave himself up to the English governor, and,
having given his parole, he kept it, like the gentleman of stainless
honour that he was.

Two years after his imprisonment at Berwick-on-Tweed, Buccleuch, on his
way with two hundred followers to serve with Prince Maurice of Nassau in
the Low Countries--a raid from which many a Borderer never returned--was
sufficiently received into favour to be permitted to go to London and
kiss the hand of her most gracious Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. The
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