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Mona by Mrs. Georgie Sheldon
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The two gentlemen were seated at a private table in the dining-room of a
large hotel in Chicago, Illinois, and were themselves both handsome and
distinguished in appearance.

"There!" the speaker continued, as a slight commotion near them indicated
that some one was rising from a table; "she is about to leave the room,
and now is your chance."

The gentleman addressed turned to look as the lady passed; but the moment
she was beyond the possibility of hearing he broke into a laugh of

"Oh, Cutler!" he exclaimed; "I never would have believed that you could
rave so over a red-head--you who all your life have held such hair in

"Well," returned Mr. Cutler, flushing guiltily, "I acknowledge that I
have always had a peculiar aversion to red hair; but, truly, hers is an
unusual shade--not a flaming, staring red, but deep and rich. I never saw
anything just like it before. Anyhow, she is a magnificent, specimen of
womanhood. See! what a queenly carriage! what a figure!" and his glance
followed the lady referred to, lingeringly, admiringly.

"Yes, she certainly is a fine-looking woman," his companion admitted;
"and, if I am any judge, the diamonds she wears are worth a small
fortune. Did you notice them?"

"No; I saw only herself," was the preoccupied response.

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