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True Love's Reward by Mrs. Georgie Sheldon
page 21 of 278 (07%)
Mona readily complied with her request, and together they went up to a
room in the third story. There were a number of trunks in the room, and
unlocking one of these, Mrs. Montague threw back the lid and began to lay
out the contents upon the floor. Mona was astonished at the number and
richness of the costumes thus displayed, and thought her income must be
almost unlimited to admit of such extravagance.

She selected what she thought might do to be remodeled, and then she
began to refold what was to be replaced in the trunk.

Among other things taken from it, there was a large, square pasteboard
box, and Mrs. Montague had just lifted it upon her lap to examine its
contents to see if there was anything in it which she would need, when
Mary appeared at the door, saying that Mr. Palmer was below and wished to
see her.

Mrs. Montague arose quickly, and in doing so, the box slipped from her
hands to the floor and its contents, composed of laces, ribbons, and
gloves, went sliding in all directions.

"Oh dear! what a mess!" she exclaimed, with a frown of annoyance, "You
will have to gather them up and rearrange them, Ruth, for I must go down.
Just lay the dresses nicely in the trunk, and I will lock it when I

She went out, leaving Mona alone, and the latter began to fold the
ribbons and laces, laying them in the box in an orderly manner.

When this was done she turned her attention again to the trunk into which
Mrs. Montague had hastily tumbled a few garments.
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