The Fine Lady's Airs (1709) by Thomas Baker
page 38 of 111 (34%)
page 38 of 111 (34%)
difference is there between a Merchant of a good Education, and a
Gentleman of Two Thousand Pounds a Year, only one has Threescore Thousand Pounds clear in his Pocket, and t'other an Estate that's mortgag'd to Threescore People; I have a House in _Billiter-Lane_, the Air's as good as _Pickadilly_. _Cornish_ makes my Cloaths, _Chevalier_ my Periwigs, I'm courted ev'ry Day to subscribe for singing Opera's, and have had Fifteen Actresses at my Levee, with their Benefit-Tickets. Sir _Har._ But, methinks, Mr. _Nicknack_; you that have so plentiful a Fortune, shou'd leave off Business, and reside wholly amongst Men of Figure and Estates. _Nick._ My Commerce, Sir _Harry_, is but in Impertinences without the least prospect of Gain; for the old Gentleman, when with great Industry, he had imported an Estate of Fifty Thousand Pounds, with greater Civility exported himself into the next World and left me all. Besides, Merchandize is but a sort of Gaming, and if I like it better than Hazard or Basset, why should any Man quarrel with my Genius; but, Gentlemen, your Servant. I must find out Lady _Rodomont_; for I have ingros'd the whole Ship's Cargo to my self, as my Father us'd to do Raw-Silk, and design her the first choice of ev'ry Thing. [_Exit._ _Col._ But what crabbed Don's this with the knavish Look of an old plodding Conveyancer, whose Face and Profession are enough to raise the Devil. Sir _Har._ 'Tis Major _Bramble_, a factious, seditious old Rogue, that's neither Whig, nor Tory, but an Enemy to his own Country; he hates the Government, because the Government don't like him; repines at all our Successes; and his Bosom Friends are Minters, Owlers, Pettifoggers, |