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Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham - A History and Guide Arranged Alphabetically by Thomas T. Harman;Walter Showell
page 13 of 741 (01%)
persons (twelve with broken limbs), being taken to the Hospitals through
falling in the icy streets.

Captain Thornton was killed by being thrown from his carriage, May 22,

The Coroner's van was upset in Livery Street, Jan. 24, 1881, and several
jurymen injured.

~Accidents on the Rails.~--An accident occurred to the Birmingham
express train at Shipton, on Christmas Eve, 1874, whereby 26 persons
were killed, and 180 injured. In the excitement at Snow Hill Station, a
young woman was pushed under a train and lost both her legs, though her
life was saved, and she now has artificial lower limbs.

Police-officer Kimberley was killed in the crush at Olton Station on the
Race Day, Feb. 11th, 1875.

While getting out of carriages, while the train was in motion, a man was
killed at New Street Station, May 15, 1875, and on the 18th, another at
Snow Hill, and though such accidents occur almost weekly, on some line
or other, people keep on doing it.

Three men were killed on the line near King's Norton, Sept. 28, 1876.

Mr. Pipkins, Stationmaster at Winson Green, was killed Jan. 2. 1877.

Inspector Bellamy, for 30 years at New Street Station, fell while
crossing a carriage, and was killed, April 15, 1879.

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