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Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham - A History and Guide Arranged Alphabetically by Thomas T. Harman;Walter Showell
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news of this exploit to reach London. In the week following Christmas of
the same year, a number of townspeople, aided by a party of the
Commonwealth soldiers, laid siege to, and captured, Aston Hall.

~Bazaars.~--When originated none can tell. How much good done by means
of them, nobody knows. But that immense amounts have been raised for
good and charitable purposes, none can deny--and then, "they are _such_
fun!". "Grand Bazaars" have been held for many an institution, and by
many different sects and parties, and to attempt to enumerate them would
be an impossibility, but the one on behalf of the Queen's Hospital, held
in April, 1880, is noteworthy, for two reasons:--first, because the
proceeds amounted to the munificent sum of £5,969, and, secondly, from
the novelty of the decorations. The body of the Town Hall was arranged
to represent an English street of the olden time, a baronial castle
rising tower upon tower at the great gallery end, and an Elizabethan
mansion in the orchestra, with a lawn in front, occupied by a military
band. The sides of the Hall constituted a double row of shops, the upper
storeys (reaching to the galleries) being filled with casements and
balconies, from whence the doings in the street could be witnessed.

~Bean Club.~--The first anniversary we read of was that held July 17,
1752, at which meeting Lord Fielding gave £120 to erect an altarpiece in
St. Bartholomew's.

~Beardsworth (John).~--Founder of the Repository, began life as driver
of a hackney coach, in which one night he drove a beautiful young lady
to a ball. John went home, dressed, procured admission to the ball,
danced with the lady, handed her to the coach, drove her home, and some
time after married her. The lady's cash enabled him to acquire an ample
fortune, being at one time worth nearly a quarter of a million, most of
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