Notes on the Apocalypse by David Steele
page 31 of 332 (09%)
page 31 of 332 (09%)
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through the ministry as the official representatives. Our Saviour here
assumes those titles mentioned in ch. i. 17, 18, which bespeak his divine personal dignity and voluntary humiliation, his eternal Godhead and true manhood,--"God manifest in the flesh," having by death triumphed over death, to deliver them who through fear of death were all their life-time subject to bondage. (Heb. ii. 15.) This church was subjected to "tribulation,"--persecution in name, substance and person. The members were either of the poorer sort of the citizens of Smyrna, or rendered poor by fines,--"the spoiling of their goods."--"But thou art rich," rich in faith, in good works, in the gifts and graces of the Spirit, the earnest of the heavenly inheritance.--In this place a colony of Jews had gained such social influence as to move the populace, and even the local magistrates, to offer violence to the servants of God. It does not appear that these Jews were professing Christians of any creed, but just such as Paul often encountered in Judea and elsewhere. (Acts xvi. 19-22.) The devil instigated the Jews, and they the Gentiles; and both, the magistrates, to silence the testimony of Christ's witnesses, by which all were tormented. The design of the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning, was to _destroy_ that church; but Christ's design was to _try_ her members. Only _some_ were to be imprisoned, and the time of trial would be limited to "ten days,"--a definite for an indefinite, but short time. Those who resist the truth contradict its advocates, and blaspheme the holy name of God, though professing to be either Jews or Christians, area "synagogue of Satan." "A crown of life" is promised to such as proved "faithful unto death." They shall not be "hurt of the second death;" that is, eternal death. (Ch. xx. 14, 15.) 12. And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; |