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Two Dyaloges (c. 1549) by Desiderius Erasmus
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tayle was made as holye as any asse could be by
the touchynge of christes body. Cannius. Undouted
they touched christes body also whiche stroke and
buffeted christ. Poliphe. yea but tell me this one
thynge I praye the in good ernest. Is it not a
great sygne of holynes in a man to cary aboute the
gospel boke or the newe testament? Cannius. It is
a token of holynes in dede if it be done without
hypocrysie, I meane if it be done without
dissimulacion/ and for ||that end, intent &
purpose, that it shuld be done for. Poliphe. What
the deuyl & a morten tellest thou a man of warre
of hypocrisie, away with hypocrisie to the monkes
and the freers. Cannius. Yea but bycause ye saye
so, tell me fyrste I praye you what ye call
hypocrisie. Po. When a man pretendis another thyng
outwardly then he meanis secretly in his mynde.
Cannius. But what dothe the bearynge aboute of the
newe testament sygnyfie. Dothe it not betoken that
thy lyfe shulde be conformable to the gospell
which thou carryest aboute with the. Poli.
I thynke well it dothe. Cannius. Wel then when thy
lyfe is not conformable to the boke, is not that
playne hypocrisie. Poliph. Tell me thê what you
call the trewe carienge of the gospell boke aboute
with a man. Cãni. Sõme men beare it aboute with
them in theyr hãdes (as the gray freers were wonte
to beare the rule of saynt Fraunces) and so the
porters of Londõ, Asses ||& horses may beare
it as well as they. And there be some other that
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