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Native Life in South Africa by Sol (Solomon Tshekisho) Plaatje
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Native Life in South Africa, Before and Since
the European War and the Boer Rebellion
By Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje

[South African (ethnic Tswana) Editor, Author, Statesman. 1876?-1932.]
First Secretary-General of the South African Native National Congress
(forerunner of the ANC), 1912-1917. Author of "Mhudi",
generally considered the first novel written by a black South African.

Native Life in South Africa, Before and Since
the European War and the Boer Rebellion

By Sol. T. Plaatje
Editor of `Tsala ea Batho', Kimberley, S.A.
Author of `Sechuana Proverbs and their European Equivalents'

Fourth Edition

Introduction, by Neil Parsons

"Native Life in South Africa" is one of the most remarkable books on Africa,
by one of the continent's most remarkable writers. It was written
as a work of impassioned political propaganda, exposing the plight
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