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Christmas with Grandma Elsie by Martha Finley
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casteth forth his ice like morsels.'

"Ah, good morning, my dears," as the door opened and Rosie and Walter
came in together.

"Good morning, dearest mamma," they returned, hastening to her to give
and receive the affectionate kiss with which they were accustomed to
meet at the beginning of a new day.

"I'm so glad the long storm is over at last," said Rosie; "it is really
delightful to see the sunshine once more."

"And the beautiful work of the Frost king reflecting his rays," added
her mother, calling their attention to the new beauties of the ever
attractive landscape spread out before them.

Both exclaimed in delight "How beautiful, mamma!" Rosie adding, "It must
be that the roads are in fine condition for sleighing. I hope we can

"O mamma, can't we?" cried Walter. "Won't you give us a holiday?"

"I shall take the question into consideration," she answered with an
indulgent smile; "we will perhaps discuss it at the breakfast table: but
now we will have our reading together."

At that very time Capt. Raymond and Violet in her boudoir at Woodburn,
were also discussing the state of the roads and the advisability of
dispensing with school duties for the day that all the family might
enjoy the rather rare treat of a sleigh-ride.
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