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William Lloyd Garrison - The Abolitionist by Archibald H. Grimke
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_To Mrs. Anna M. Day, who has been a mother to my little girl, and a
sister to me, this book is gratefully and affectionately dedicated, by_

_The Author_.


The author of this volume desires by way of preface to say just two
things:--firstly, that it is his earnest hope that this record of a hero
may be an aid to brave and true living in the Republic, so that the
problems knocking at its door for solution may find the heads, the
hands, and the hearts equal to the performance of the duties imposed by
them upon the men and women of this generation. William Lloyd Garrison
was brave and true. Bravery and truth were the secret of his marvelous
career and achievements. May his countrymen and countrywomen imitate his
example and be brave and true, not alone in emergent moments, but in
everyday things as well.

So much for the author's firstly, now for his secondly, which is to
acknowledge his large indebtedness in the preparation of this book to
that storehouse of anti-slavery material, the story of the life of
William Lloyd Garrison by his children. Out of its garnered riches he
has filled his sack.
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