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Continental Monthly - Volume 1 - Issue 3 by Various
page 11 of 313 (03%)
the negroes in South Carolina fairly disorganized from slavery, with
free Yankee colonies in the Palmetto State, with New Orleans taken--a
blockade without and complete financial disorder within, what more could
we desire as a basis to secure thorough reëstablishment of power? Here
our superiority to the South in possessing not only a navy, but, what is
of far more importance, a vast merchant marine containing all the
elements necessary to form a navy of unparalleled power, appears in
clearest light, giving us cause for much congratulation. To effect all
this, _time_ is required. Let those who fret, look over the map of a
hemisphere--let them reflect on the condition to which Southern perfidy
and theft had reduced us ere the war begun, and then let them moderate
their cries. It will all be done; but the programme is a tremendous one,
and the future of the most glorious country on earth requires that it
shall be done thoroughly, and that no risks shall be taken.

But, beyond all the aid which is to be expected from a
counter-revolution in the South, to be drawn from the 'Alleghania'
region, there is one of vast importance, insisted upon in a series of
articles published during the past year in the New York _Knickerbocker
Magazine_, and which may be appropriately reconsidered in this
connection. Should the government of the United States, by one or more
victories, obtain even a temporary sway over the South, it will only
rest with itself to produce a powerful counter-revolution even in those
districts which are blackest with slavery. _Let it, when the time shall
seem fit_,--and we urge no undue haste, and no premature meddling with
the present plans or programme of those in power,--_simply proclaim
Emancipation_, offering to pay all loyal men for their slaves according
to a certain rate. The proportion of Union men who will then start into
life, even in South Carolina, will be, doubtless, enormous. It may be
objected that many of these will merely profess Union sentiments for the
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