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Continental Monthly - Volume 1 - Issue 3 by Various
page 23 of 313 (07%)

Let us examine the estimate of $20 per month, and, although it is
admitted that female field hands do not bear many children, take the
average increase of the country, or 2-335/1000 per cent. per annum.

The standard of value for an A 1 field hand is $100 for each cent per
pound of the price of cotton, say ten cents per pound, $1000, and the
standard of value for all the slaves upon a plantation is one-half the
value of a field hand.

Suppose a plantation stocked with
100 slaves, men, women, and piccaninnies,
at 8500 each, $50,000
Interest at 8 per cent., a low rate
for the South, 4,000
Customary allowance for life insurance
or mortality, 1,000
Overseer's wages, 1,000
House and provisions, 500
Doctor's fees, hospital, and medicines, 500
Renewal and repairs of negro quarters, 500
Clothing and food, at $1 per week
for each slave, 5,200


Increase to keep good the mortality, 2
Annual gain, 2-335/1000, say 3
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