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Continental Monthly - Volume 1 - Issue 3 by Various
page 33 of 313 (10%)

Our country upon the whole is fertile and well watered, has timber
enough to supply its demands, and an everlasting amount of stone
for building; it has an eternal range of mesquit grass, on which
horses and cattle that never smell corn keep perfectly fat all
winter. The climate is delightful, the nights pleasant, a fine
south breeze in summer continually playing over the face of our
broad prairies, and the atmosphere so pure and invigorating, that
it is more conducive to good health to sleep out in the open air
than to sleep in-doors. There is something so attractive in this
section of country, that those who live here a short time are
seldom satisfied to live anywhere else.

Our citizens are generally intelligent, enterprising, industrious,
religious, sober, and, _laying politics aside_, honest.--_Texas



Mostly settled by Germans. In this county there are in cultivation
600 acres in cotton, 15,000 acres in corn, 500 acres in wheat. The
acre yields 500 pounds of clean cotton, 40 bushels of corn, 20
bushels of wheat. From 3,500 to 4,000 white inhabitants; 188
slaves; 396 farms. Improved lands $30, unimproved $3 an acre.
_Most of the farms are cultivatd by white labor_; a white hand
cultivates thirty acres of corn. Peaches yield abundantly; apples
and quinces have been tried successfully. The wild grape, plum,
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