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Continental Monthly - Volume 1 - Issue 3 by Various
page 36 of 313 (11%)
better fitting Texas for the white man and the white man's labor.

With this freedom from violent storms comes the delicious
southerly wind in the summer, which gives health and moisture to
the larger part of Texas. This wind varies in the point from which
it flows. From Sabine to Matagorda its course is from south-east
to south-south-east, growing more and more to the south as the
coast tends to the south, until at the Rio Grande it blows from
due south with perhaps a little westing in it. The course of this
wind will explain the three belts of Texas, the rainy, that of
less rain, and that of great drought.

This wind from the south-east corner from across the ocean and
gulf (being a continuation of the south-east trades) laden with
moisture and of a delightful temperature, when it is met by the
cool air from the mountains, and condensed, giving the rains of
Eastern and Central Texas. The more southing they have in them,
the less moisture, until the extreme south-eastern portion of
Texas, or the country near the mouth of the Rio Grande, is one of
almost constant drought. There are thus three belts of moisture:
first, from the Sabine to the mouth of the Brazos, may be called
the belt of greatest rain,--from the Brazos to Lavaca or Victoria,
that of moderate rain,--and from Lavaca to the Rio Grande, the dry
belt. But even in the dry belt there is moisture enough to give
fine grasses, and make the country a fine one for grazing, and the
streams taking their rise in great springs, which probably have
their source in the melting snows of the Rocky Mountains, flowing
under the Llano Estacado and breaking out in great numbers in a
line almost north and south, never dry up, even in the dryest
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