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Continental Monthly - Volume 1 - Issue 3 by Various
page 80 of 313 (25%)
greets the Sultan of Morocco with a panegyric so dazzling, so
unapproachable in the splendor of its assertions, that we must quote it
as a standard whereby all similar compositions may be measured, sure
that it will maintain its pre-eminence through all time.

'It is his reign (that of Abou Inau Faris) which has cured Religion of
her sickness, which has caused the sword of Injustice to return into the
scabbard whence it had been drawn, which has corrected fortune, when it
had been corrupted, and which has procured custom for the markets of
Science, formerly given up to stagnation. He has rendered manifest the
rules of piety when they would have been obliterated; he has calmed the
regions of the earth when they were agitated; he has caused the
tradition of acts of generosity to revive after his death; he has
occasioned the death of tyrannic customs; he has abated the flame of
discord at the moment when it was most enkindled; he has destroyed the
commands of tyranny, when they exercised an absolute power; he has
elevated the edifices of equity on the pillars of the fear of God, and
has assured himself, by the strongest evidences, that he possesses
confidence in the Eternal. His reign possesses a glory, the crown
whereof is placed on the forehead of Orion, and an illumination which
covers the Milky Way with the skirts of his robe; a beneficence which
has given a new youth to the age; a justice which incloses the righteous
within its vast tent; a liberality similar to a cloud which waters at
once the leaves that have fallen from the trees and the trees
themselves; a courage which, even when the clouds shed torrents of rain,
causes a torrent of blood to flow; a patience which never tires of
hoping; a prudence which prevents his enemies from approaching his
pastures; a resolution which puts their troops to flight before the
action commences; a mildness which delights to pluck pardon from the
tree of crime; a goodness which gains him all hearts; a science, the
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