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Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 421 - Volume 17, New Series, January 24, 1852 by Various
page 23 of 70 (32%)

'Six thousand millions shall be appropriated towards paying the
national debt of France, upon condition that the kings, our good lords
and masters, shall be entreated to order the comptrollers-general of
the finances to undergo in future an examination in arithmetic before
they enter on the duties of their office.

'Twelve thousand millions shall likewise be employed in paying the
public debts of England. It may be seen that I reckon that both these
national debts will be doubled in this period--not that I have any
doubt of the talents of certain ministers to increase them much more,
but their operations in this way are opposed by an infinity of
circumstances, which lead me to presume that these debts cannot be
more than doubled. Besides, if they amount to a few thousands of
millions more, I declare that it is my intention that they should be
entirely paid off, and that a project so laudable should not remain
unexecuted for a trifle more or less.'[1]

M. Ricard, it will be observed, must have drawn his will while royalty
was in the ascendant; it was registered during the Reign of Terror,
and one would be curious to know how many weeks, instead of centuries,
his 500 livres remained sacred. Money in the most steadily-governed
states--in our own, for instance--is subject to continual casualties.
The most acute men of business cannot command perfectly certain
investments for their own money--they are often miserably deceived,
and suffer heavy losses. M. Ricard, however, supposed that a set of
irresponsible trustees would for centuries always discover perfectly
sure investments, and act with consummate watchfulness and honesty. If
it were possible to leave behind one money with the qualification of
always being securely invested, while the rest of the property in the
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