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Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 421 - Volume 17, New Series, January 24, 1852 by Various
page 7 of 70 (10%)
uncle's door, fervently wishing it had been any other evening.
Suddenly, our ears caught the sound of bells and laughing voices, and
in a few minutes up drove the Lorenski sledge in its gayest trappings,
with Constanza, the Russian countess, and the young cousins, all
looking blithe, and rosy in the frosty air, while Emerich and Theodore
sat in true hunter's trim, and Father Cassimer himself in charge of
the reins, with the well-covered pork beside him. They had two noble
horses of the best Tatar blood, unequalled in the province, as we
knew, for speed and strength; and Emerich's cheerful voice first
saluted us with: 'Ho! friends, it is seven hours yet till midnight:
won't you come with us?--it is a shame to let Christmas in without a

That was enough for us: we flew in for our equipments. My uncle was
not at first willing that we should go; but the merry company now at
his door, the unequivocal countenance which Father Cassimer gave to
the proceeding, and the high spirits of the young Russians, who were,
as usual, wild for the sport, made him think that, after all, there
was no harm in the young people taking an hour or two in the woods
before mass, which on Christmas-eve begins always at midnight. Our
hunting-gear was donned in a trice; and with my uncle's most trusty
man, Metski, to assist in driving, away we went at full speed to the

Father Cassimer was an experienced general in expeditions of the kind;
he knew the turns of the woods where the wolves scented best; and when
we had got fairly among the tall oaks, down went his pork. For some
time it dragged on without a single wolf appearing, though the odour
came strong and savoury through cords and straw.

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