Poems, &c. (1790) - Wherein It Is Attempted To Describe Certain Views Of Nature And Of Rustic Manners; And Also, To Point Out, In Some Instances, The Different Influence Which The Same Circumstances Produce On Different Characters by Joanna Baillie
page 22 of 105 (20%)
page 22 of 105 (20%)
And shed a scatter'd brightness, bright but cheerless,
Between the op'nings of the rifted hills; Which like the farewell looks of some dear friend, That speaks him kind, yet sadden as they smile, But only serve to deepen the low vale, And make the shadows of the night more gloomy. The varied noises of the cheerful village By slow degrees now faintly die away, And more distinct each feeble sound is heard That gently steals ad own the river's bed, Or thro' the wood comes with the ruffling breeze. The white mist rises from the swampy glens, And from the dappled flatting of the heav'ns Looks out the ev'ning star.---- The lover skulking in the neighb'ring copse, (Whose half-seen form shewn thro' the thicken'd air, Large and majestic, makes the tray'ller start, And spreads the story of the haunted grove,) Curses the owl, whose loud ill-omen'd scream, With ceaseless spite, robes from his watchful ear The well known footsteps of his darling maid; And fretful, chaces from his face the night-fly, Who buzzing round his head doth often skim, With flutt'ring wing, across his glowing cheek: For all but him in deep and balmy sleep Forget the toils of the oppressive day; Shut is the door of ev'ry scatter'd cot, And silence dwells within. |