Poems, &c. (1790) - Wherein It Is Attempted To Describe Certain Views Of Nature And Of Rustic Manners; And Also, To Point Out, In Some Instances, The Different Influence Which The Same Circumstances Produce On Different Characters by Joanna Baillie
page 39 of 105 (37%)
page 39 of 105 (37%)
With more respect he and his dog are known:
A brisker face he wears at wake or fair, Nor views with longing eyes the pedlar's ware, But buys at will or ribands, gloves, or beads, And willing maidens to the ale-house leads: And, Oh! secure from toils which cumber life, He makes the maid he loves an easy wife. Ah, Nelly! can'st thou with contented mind, Become the help-mate of a lab'ring hind, And share his lot, whate'er the chances be, Who hath no dow'r, but love, to fix on thee? Yes, gayest maid may meekest matron prove, And things of little note may 'token love. When from the church thou cam'st at eventide And I and red-hair'd Susan by thy side, I pull'd the blossoms from the bending tree, And some to Susan gave, and some to thee; Thine were the best, and well thy smiling eye The diff'rence mark'd, and guess'd the reason why. When on a holy-day we rambling stray'd, And pass'd old Hodge's cottage in the glade; Neat was the garden dress'd, sweet hum'd the bee, I wish'd both cot and Nelly made for me; And well methought thy very eyes reveal'd The self-same wish within thy breast conceal'd. When artful, once, I sought my love to tell, And spoke to thee of one who lov'd thee well, You saw the cheat, and jeering homeward hied, Yet secret pleasure in thy looks I spied. Ay, gayest maid may meekest matron prove, |