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The Cave in the Mountain - A Sequel to In the Pecos Country / by Lieut. R. H. Jayne by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 63 of 207 (30%)

He moved with the utmost circumspection toward the spot, being able to
locate it by means of the moonlit opening overhead, and when he was near
it he halted and listened.

"I don't obsarve that any one is loafing about here, getting in the way of
honest folks."

Just then he ran plump against an Apache, whom he did not suspect was so
near him.

The redskin uttered a grunt of anger, no doubt suspecting that it was one
of his own friends.

As quick as lightning the Irishman drew back and struck a blow that
stretched the warrior senseless.

"I'll tache ye to be grunting around here when a gintleman runs again ye.
Ye ought to be ashamed of yourself."

Mickey had already strapped his rifle to his back, and, groping about, he
felt the end of the lasso dangling in front of his face. The same instant
he grasped it and began the ascent.


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