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Big People and Little People of Other Lands by Edward R. (Edward Richard) Shaw
page 3 of 65 (04%)



On the other side of this great round world is a country called China.
When it is dark here, and we are going to sleep, the sun is just waking
up the children in China and telling them it is morning. When we get
up in the morning they are just bidding the sun good night. When it is
light here it is dark there. So they have day when we have night.

Chinese children look like little men and women, for they dress like
their fathers and mothers. Boys and girls dress nearly alike. They
both dress in silk or cotton trousers. They wear over these long gowns
reaching nearly to their feet. They wear odd-looking shoes with thick
white soles. The boys' heads are shaved, except a small part on top.
There a lock of hair is left. This lock of hair is braided and hangs
down the back. A queer name is given to it. It is called a "queue."
Girls in China do not go to school, but all day long they are busy;
they help their mothers keep house; they tend the babies; they sew, and
help with the cooking.

[Illustration: Chinese Women and Children.]

The schools in China are only for boys. The boys make a great deal of
noise in school. A Chinese teacher thinks the boys are idle if they do
not study their lessons out loud. So each boy shouts as loud as he
can. When the boy has learned his lesson, he goes up and gives his
book to the teacher. Then he turns his back to the teacher, and shouts
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