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Big People and Little People of Other Lands by Edward R. (Edward Richard) Shaw
page 6 of 65 (09%)
or ivory. These are called "chopsticks." They hold them between the
thumb and first two fingers. They use them to carry their food to
their mouths as you use a fork or a spoon.

[Illustration: Chopsticks.]

Do you know how they catch fish in China?

They have a bird which swims and dives into the water. This bird lives
on fish. Every time he dives he catches one. He is trained to bring
the fish to his master. A tight ring is put round the bird's neck.
This is to keep him from swallowing the fish. When enough fish have
been caught, the bird is given some to eat. This bird is called a

A Chinese fisherman lives in his fishing boat. But China is a very
crowded country. So other men as well as fishermen live on small
flatboats in the rivers near the big towns. Ducks and other fowls are
raised on these boats. The people on the water are as busy as the
people on the land.

In China houses are one story high. They are built of wood. The roofs
slope, and are made of sticks woven together. The churches are called
pagodas. They are not like our churches, but are tall, like towers.
They are usually nine stories high. They have little bells hung all
around the roof. These bells ring when the wind blows them back and

[Illustration: Chinese Boats and Pagoda.]

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