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The Elder Eddas of Saemund Sigfusson; and the Younger Eddas of Snorre Sturleson by Snorri Sturluson;Saemund Sigfusson
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The Ash Yggdrasill and Mimer's Well 271
The Norns that Tend Yggdrasill 273
The Wind and the Seasons 275
Thor and His Hammer 277
Balder and Njord 278
Njord and His Wife Skadi 279
The God Frey and Goddess Freyja 280
Tyr and Other Gods 281
Hodur the Blind, Assassin of Baldur 283
Loki and His Progeny 284
Binding the Wolf Fenrir 285
The Goddesses and their Attributes 289
Frey, and Gerda the Beautiful 291
The Joys of Valhalla 293
The Wonderful Horse Sleipnir 297
The Ship Adapted to Sail on Sea or Land 299
Thor's Adventures in the Land of Giants 300
The Death of Baldur 315
Baldur in the Abode of the Dead 319
Loki's Capture and Punishment 321
Destruction of the Universe 323
Restoration of the Universe 327
How Loki Carried Away Iduna 329
The Origin of Poetry 331
Odin Beguiles the Daughter of Baugi 333

Glossary 335

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