The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion by Desiderius Erasmus
page 18 of 53 (33%)
page 18 of 53 (33%)
gaates, that who so euer wyll entre, must fyrst putin
hys legge, nat withowt some ioperdie, and than bowe downe hys hedde. _Me._ It is ioperdie to goo thorow suche a dore, to a mannes enemye. _Ogy._ So it is, the sexten dyd tell me that || B iij.|| ther was ones a knyght whiche fleeynge hys enemye, than aprochynge, dyd ride thorow ye wykyte, and than the wretche dispayrynge in hym selffe, apon a soden motion, dyd commend hymselffe to ye blessyd virgyne, whiche was than at hand. But now commythe the myrakle. By and by that knyght was all in the churche yarde, and hys aduersary was ragynge at the dore wowte. _Me._ And dyd he tell you so maruylous a myrakle for a trewthe? _Ogy._ No dowte. _Me._ But I suppose that he could nat so lyghtely doo that to you so a great a philosopher. _Ogy._ He dyd shewe to me in that same wykytte in a plate of coper, the ymage of the knyght fastenyd with nayles and with the same garmentes that the Englishmen were wontyd to wayre at that tyme, as you may see in that olde pictures, whiche wyl nat lye, Barbours had || but lytle lyuynge at that tyme: and dieres & websteres gotte but litle monay. _Me._ Why so? _Ogy._ For he had a berd like a goote, and his cote had neuer a plyte, & it was so litle, that with strayte gyrdynge it mayd hys body to apere lesse than it was. Ther was another plate, that was in quantyte and fourme like to a cheste. _Me._ Well now it is nat to be doubtyd apõ. _Ogy._ Under ye wykyte ther was a grate of yrne, that no man cã passe theryn but a footemã, for it is nat conuenyent that any horsse shuld tread after apon ye |