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The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion by Desiderius Erasmus
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sukke none at all. _Ogy._ Thay saye the same of the
holy crosse, whiche is shewyd in so many places bothe
openly, and pryuately, that if ye fragmentes were
gathered apon one heape, they wold apere to be a iuste
fraghte for a shipe, and yet Christe dyd bere all his
crosse hymselffe. _Me._ But do nat you maruayll at
this? _Ogy._ It may welbe a strãge thynge, but no
maruayle, seynge that the lord whiche dothe encreasse
this at hys pleasure, is almyghty. _Me._ It is very
gently expownded, but I am || afrayd, that many of thes
be faynyd for lukre. _Ogy._ I suppose that God wold nat
suffre hymselffe to be deludyd of suche a fasshion.
_Mene._ Yis, haue nat you sene that whã bothe the
mother, the sone, the father, and the holy ghoste hathe
be robbyd of thes sacrilegyous theues, that thay
woldnat ones moue, or styre nother with bekke or crakke
wherby thay myght fray away the theues. So great is the
gentles of God. _Ogy._ So it is, but here out me tale.
This mylke is kepyd apon the hye aultre, and in the
myddys ther is Christe, with his mother apon hys ryght
hand, for her honor sake, the mylke dothe represente
the mother. _Me._ It may be sene than? _Ogy._ It is
closyd in crystalle. _Me._ It is moyste thã? _Ogy._
What tell you me of moystenes, whã it was mylkyd more
than a thowsand and fyue hunthrithe yere agone, it is
so congelyd, that a mã wold || saye that it were chalke
temperyd with the whyte of a egge. _Me._ Ye, but do
thay sette it forthe bare? _Ogy._ No, lest so holy
mylke shuld be defowlyd with the kyssynge of men. _Me._
You say well. For I suppose that ther be many that
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